Meet Lynette, one of our amazing team members at Trailcross in Fort Smith, NWT!
Lynette Blesse has lived in Fort Smith since she moved in 1986 with her family. She has always believed that youth need to be inspired to be heard and to be validated because they are our future leaders. Lynette says that if we build up our youth today, we can have a brighter tomorrow. She has three children of her own but has over 50 young adults who call her “ma, mom, momma or auntie.”
Given that Lynette never had a positive, loving role model in her life, Lynette’s life dream is to always be there for the youth in her community. She hopes to be a positive role model culturally and socially for youth in Fort Smith. She loves all kids alike and takes them all as her own.
Lynette has been working at Trailcross as our Community Connector. She just discovered that she is a ‘Cree-ative native.’ We are very lucky to have Lynette as part of our Shift team.
Trailcross Treatment Centre is an eight-bed/24-hour treatment and therapeutic care facility for youth aged 12-18. Operated by Shift and designated as a level three facility, Trailcross serves as a therapeutic centre for youth from all over NWT, including Yellowknife. To learn more about job opportunities with us please visit: careers.experienceshift.ca